Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection swatches

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

First of all, have you even seen a prettier collection? These are the goodies I picked up from the Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid collection: the Luxury Illuminating Liquid, Luxury Lip Oil, and Luxury Illuminating Powder. I just love the beachy design.

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

This is the outside packaging. Just the mermaid color patterns are enough to seduce me.

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Lip Oil

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Lip Oil

First up is the Luxury Lip Oil. This is a lip oil with champagne gold micro pearls. It feels really comfortable on my lips, and the shimmers make my lips look even healthier. To be honest there’s nothing really special about this lip oil, but its just so pretty!

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Lip Oil

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Lip Oil

See the champagne glowiness?

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Lip Oil

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Lip Oil

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Liquid

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Liquid

Next, the Luxury Illuminating Liquid. I love liquid highlighters, so I simply just had to have it. I think this is such a wearable shade (for fair to light skin). It’s a golden champagne, which you can never go wrong with. The formula isnt too thick or too running. It’ mixes well with foundation.

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Liquid swatches

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Liquid swatches

Swatches on my hand wasn’t enough, so I decided to swatch my whole arm lol.

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Liquid swatches

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Liquid swatches

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Powder

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Powder

Lastly, the Luxury Illuminating Powder. This highlighter caught my eye right away when I saw the promo photos. I mean, just look at the gradient shades of pink and champagne, and that mermaid pattern!

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Powder swatches

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection Luxury Illuminating Powder swatches

Again, this is good for Fair to medium skin. But I doubt I’d get to use it anytime soon, I’m too afraid to ruin the pretty pattern! Does anyone have the same problem?

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection

Rodin Olio Russo Mermaid Collection