Toofaced Peach Collection roundup


Hey guys, I'm sure you know the Peach collection came out some time ago, but I just got round to reviewing it. After I finally snagged the Peach eyeshadow palette, Im pretty sure that's it for the Peach collection (the glosses are nice too but I got way too many). Overall I love the packaging of this collection especially because it's named after me! You, they did! But even if they didn't I still love Toofaced packaging anyways, they're so cute. Also, they're all scented, with - obviously- peach scents. However, to me they dont smell freshing like fresh peaches, but more like artificial scents you put in hand creams, get what i mean? I'm not a big fan of artificial scents but I can forgive them since they named it after me.

The first product I grabbed was the Papa Dont Peach blush, which is kind of a peachy brongy blush, gorgeous color. It really warms up your complexion and as a glowy blush lover, this one fits right up my alley. Swatches below.

Papa Dont Peach

Papa Dont Peach

Next thing I grabbed was the Sweet Peach Glow palette that consisted of a highlighter, blush, and bronzer.

These all lean towards the Peach hue, with the highlighter a little peachy and the bronzer a peachy beonze.

Swatches below.

Toofaced Sweet Peach Glow palette

Toofaced Sweet Peach Glow palette

Swatches for Papa Dont Peach (Bottom shade) and the Sweet Peach Glow palette

Swatches for Papa Dont Peach (Bottom shade) and the Sweet Peach Glow palette

Finally, this was a recent buy as I wasn't sure I needed this. But when Sephora had a sale I couldn't let it slip.

Toofaced Peach eyeshadow palette

Toofaced Peach eyeshadow palette

Swatches for the Peach eyeshadow palette

Swatches for the Peach eyeshadow palette

Swatches for the Peach eyeshadow palette

Swatches for the Peach eyeshadow palette

Swatches for the Peach eyeshadow palette

Swatches for the Peach eyeshadow palette

So that's it guys, if you like Peach and peachy smelling makeup, this colelction is a must!

Toofaced Peach eyeshadow palette

Toofaced Peach eyeshadow palette